There are 196 countries, 3,159 major cities (defined as a city with 100,000+ people,) and 24 different time zones around the world. There are at least 50 spots identified as "the most romantic" place to get married and/or to honeymoon around the world - ranging from urban and chic to remote and adventurous. With all these choices and possibilities, do you really want to spend your life commuting to a cubicle? Or heading off to your local business to find your employees didn't show again? Have you even been to any of the 50 best spots, 196 countries, or over 3,000 cities? How many of the time zones have you spent time in? What are you waiting for? If you could, where would you go first and how many would you go to in a year? You can, you know!
Imagine this. Close your eyes - (no, wait, you can't you have to keep reading!)
You are single. You travel as often as you want, wherever you want. You have adventures, you meet new people, make lifelong friends, and you feel so alive! Or you have a home base but once a quarter you spend 4 weeks working from your favorite destination - say, Bali.
You're married. You and your spouse are both "retired" from your corporate jobs - at the age of 28, or maybe 30. You did your 'time' for 10 years and now the two of you live where you want, for example, near family in the northern regions but for two months at a time you choose to relocate to someplace warm and tropical just for a change of pace, and because you can.
You have a family: kids, dogs, a fun and crazy busy life. You know that your kids can go to any college or university they choose and graduate debt-free. You take family vacations around the world so your kids know first hand the beauty of the planet. You adopt more kids or causes, you build schools and take your kids with you for hands-on volunteering and contribution at an early age, experiences which enrich their lifetimes beyond measure. You have a child that excels at a sport -competitive snowboarding, maybe, and you can move from the city to the mountains so she can work with the best coach on the best mountain to have a shot at manifesting her dreams. Your lifestyle provides this, makes this happen for the ones you love.
You have aging parents with health concerns, siblings or family members with special needs, a parent who sacrificed everything for you and your siblings and now you want to give back and provide a life of comfort and security for them - plus give them some fun treats like visiting places they always dreamed of seeing, just to tell them how much you love them.
What resonates with you? It depends on your stage in life, of course. That's the thing. The Evolved Economy can meet you where you are! It isn't limited by age or gender or geographic restriction. It won't limit you!
Borrowing from Eric Worre, there are 5 job categories: blue-collar, white-collar, sales, traditional business ownership, and investing. Are you currently tied down by one of these?
Of course, there's also unemployed and under-employed and too many of you are probably here.
In the "old days" you went to school, got a "good" job, stayed there for 40 years, and retired modestly, probably having lived in the same place since childhood. In the more recent model, you went to school, got an unpaid internship, worked freelance for awhile, struggled with no benefits and big student loans, got the job for the steady pay-check and benies, and then changed jobs every few years because of politics or relocation of a significant other. But you're starting to have that sinking feeling from stories you're hearing that when retirement rolls around there won't be enough money to retire so you'll need to keep reinventing yourself to get that almighty paycheck.
In traditional business ownership there is the small brick & mortar business - whether that's a cupcake store or a boutique clothing store or a restaurant. Lots of people turn to this option when they can't get a job or they are tired of working for someone else. It's a trap! The other type of "real" business is a franchise that has an expensive entry point and a set of rules that make success challenging. There's self-employment which usually means consultant or professional - like a chiropractor or an attorney or an insurance agent. You are still trading hours for dollars, you have a second mortgage on your home to finance your business, you are in debt and boot-strapping and counting every penny - even if you're living large by appearances, the picture isn't as pretty as it seems. When you measure your stress, it's not good.
Investing sounds awesome, like hitting a jackpot. The reality is you need a lot of money to get started, you have to be able to afford to lose money, and you have to have tremendous knowledge and skill, oh... and time. You have to have time to ride out the ups and downs.
Today, beyond doubt, the better way is the Evolved Economy. It's virtual which brings us back to the premise that you can live anywhere. Location, location, location - for you! Because your customers will be global which means there will be lots and lots of them. Can you say diversification? You aren't dependent on people walking past your store. You won't have to lease or own any real estate - no maintenance, no worries about mortgages or leases that eat into your margins. You own your own business but your business doesn't own you. If you have a smart phone or a tablet or a laptop and a connection, you can work - via skype, Google hangouts, webinars, conference calls - or even face-to-face meetings at your favorite coffee house or park or beach or hiking trail. It doesn't matter.
You design your life! You choose your co-creators! You attract the leadership that you choose to link arms with. You are never alone in the Evolved Economy business world. You are surrounded by high energy, positivity, freedom-seekers, doers, givers, contributors - people who are sharp and funny and genuine and who have integrity. You surround yourself with people you learn from, who drive you to be your best, who honor you, who you respect and trust and strive to emulate. You work from anywhere and everywhere, coming together at key points during the year for major strategy sessions, and then flying off again to all points of the compass.
This is YOUR life! Who said you have to play by the rules? Who made the rules anyway? Be fulfilled! Live this journey! Discover yourself while you discover new places! Develop yourself, be fulfilled, serve your family and your community, do good in the world. We get one planet and one life. Why would you miss out to have a paycheck when you can fully participate, set goals, break records, and support your co-creators to do the same?
An Evolved Economy business makes it simple to relocate, whatever that means to you.
And now, there is only one step left that's required to manifest your dream location, your dream workspace. You simply have to act! Take the action now to make your dreams real, to live the life you've always longed for, to travel or to stay home with your kids, to contribute and make a difference! Act now, email or call, message, find the person who sent you this article, but take action and free yourself to be yourself, anywhere! Tell us you are so ready to move on and move out and you want to own your own Evolved Economy business. Do that and you'll be in business in the location of your choice. And if you change your mind tomorrow? No worries - just move! Simple!
We would be honored to have you choose to co-create an Evolved Economy business. To learn how to get started, contact the person who referred you to this article.
If you found it independently and wish to know more, all my contact information is in the "resource" section. There's no time like the present and the most successful entrepreneurs take action promptly - here's to your commitment to action right now!